Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hw 8- A Digital Representation Of My Comments on Videos...Blah Blah A-F

For Ian G.

I loved the music that you were listening to during your video. Not only can you multi-task but you also have great taste.

I like how you made the point about how real reactions can come from fake things and you found that you couldn't just sit still you had to be doing something else.

I feel that somehow these videos are not really the best way to "capture" how we are when it comes to using out digital products. I can't help but think that some part of this video was staged. Like somehow I don't think that every aspect was real. I'd like to believe that we act out for the camera. Were you acting out?

You say that it is sad to think you might waste a whole day getting mad at a screen when you could be out creating things. That's something that I haven't thought about. But when you're out creating things is it not possible to fall victim to the activity that you are doing outside. Either way we are becoming enslaved by something. Wheather its an ipod or a volleyball we alwasy end up depending on something.

I think that it's easy to waste a whole day doing anything, sleeping, school, screens. But how can we really decide what's is good or bad? Whats going to fry our brains and what isn't? 1/2 the things we learn in school will most likely perish into the deep corners of our brains so whats the use?... I don't hear anyone complain about that.

This was a great post. The video was AWESOME by the way. Looking forward to more!!!!!!

For Sam R:

I loved the music I haeard throuour the video if anything. Kings of Leon is a kick ass band.

I noticed that throughout the video you looked preoccupied, like you weren't completely in to what you were doing. Like you didn't care one way or the other. I noticed that you mentioed that. Why is it weird to see yourself? Do you think you would feel differently if you were doing something else besides being digital?

I think that we all are in a way much more aware of ourselves when we know that we are being watched. I feel that it drastically alters the way that we act/look. I think that if you didn't know that you were being watched the outcome of the video would have been different.

I noticed that you mentioned that you said you looked like you were looking for something else to do all the time. I think that was an important observation that you umade about yourself. It connects to what I was saying about acting differently because you are being watched, do you think that has an impact?

I think that I looked a bit bored in my video as well, it was a weird assignment and while filming I was a bit distracted.

Sam, awesome post as always looking forward to more.

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