Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh, So That's What We Go To School For

Statistics are lame, they never really have any depth, just numbers. How are we supposed to know the real truth if all we have is a number? Just because there is a TV in a room doesn't mean it is being used. Just because you carry a phone with you everyday doesn't mean its your go to text machine. You could be digital, just to be digital. Have it just to have it, better safe than sorry. Who knew that would make you part of a statistic?

1 comment:

  1. i love the different aspects you think about technology. I read all your other posts including your comments to others and it made me think about some questions you might think its worht to answer.

    Why do you generate thoughts better with your ipod on? What is it about the music that helps keep you thinking and keeps you tuned in. Or does your music sometimes distract you when working- if it does, does that even matter to you?

    Why DO people feel the need to keep wanting and wanting 'newer' and 'better' versions of what they already have if it really is the same thing with minor adjustments? What's so good about having the latest technology? Is it a need to fit in or a desire to experience more with what you already have?

    Do people get digital things JUST BECAUSE? I personally don't know anyone that bought a ipod or cellphone just cause. Or if I did, they soon got sucked in to the digital world and and became obsessed as did we all when we first had it. Now we're just addicted.

    OH by the way, I edited my original post and answered your questions from your comments. I figured reading the whole thing over again might be repetative so I put it in italics. Keep having this on your mind - I love reading your thought.

    see you in school.
