Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hw 6 - Lets Get Digital, Digital

Untitled from JacG on Vimeo.

I didn't really have any thoughts about my video. It looked like any regular day that occurs in my house. I looked natural to me, but not completely because the things that I did were kind of planned (besides the conversations). I feel that once you know that you are recording the feeling of your "natural actions" change.

I was looking at blogger and listening to music on some of the clips and eating a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch with soy milk. I felt awkward because I knew the camera was there and I didn't want to look like a fool. Uh, I also had to modify some of the things that I did too. For instance I don't watch TV on the floor but when I sat on the couch I couldn't get both the TV and myself so I had to sit on the floor.

I don't feel bad about the amount of time that I spend on the computer, I know that my little brother spends a lot of time in front of the TV and my mom often tries to get him out of the habit. (He and my father are in the background doing homework) I'm on the computer doing homework, 1/2 listening to my father and also looking for something better to do online.

Personally I don't think this assignment will make me change any of my digital habits. I think its useful to know what you look like dazing out in front of a screen, but I didn't really get much out of it.

Seeing what I look like makes me feel weird beyond content, but there isn't really nothing that can done about that. I would imagine that I would feel weird watching myself do anything. When you see yourself staring at a screen I think you look the same way when your staring at anything. There's a certain spaced out look that many people maybe concerned that they have but most likely that look has haunted your face more than once.


  1. i think you have a great exsample of life in the digtal and how every thing we do is some how suplmented by some thing digtal.

    what i notice was you where always mutitaksing for most of it. like talking to some one while in the computer on the i pod while doign home work. i think you did a ever honest view in to this. also when you said it looked natrual it does i mean for alot of poeple i think it is alot like what it is with you. ( soy milk taste great!) i never had it with that ceral though. any way i think you where right that this does make a unnatrual view on some thing we are looking to see if how it is natrually so it is self defeating but out of most i saw yours looked the most natural you didnt seem to know the camera was there and thats great if i had to giev you an award it would be to have the most natural looking video in the world.
    i like you pointeded out how you felt about the digtal things that it isnt as bad but i would say like i dont do as much as my brothe which he does is like 10 hours so i mean just becuase it is not as much i dont think it is good. i dont know your brother or mothers times but i mean i dont know what ever works for you.
    i liked you video alot and thanks for not stareing at the camera like i did for a while and you rock.

  2. Jacara- I appreciate that your post was honest and that you tried to make your video as accurate as possible given the circumstances.

    Basically you were saying that the way you look while you are on the computer or the amount of time you spend on electronics does not really have a huge impact on your life, its something apart of your every day life that seems natural to you.

    I can connect with what you were saying about how you were aware of the camera being there and not wanting to look silly in front of the camera. When I was doing my video I felt the same way, when the camera was on I felt more conscious about what I was doing or what I looked like which does not make the video very accurate, which is why, in the end, my video did not have very much of me just staring into a computer screen or a TV screen, but this made my video very inaccurate.

    Maybe you could develop your ideas by exploring different point of views and alternatives to "the regular day that occurs in [your] house"

    Maybe you can explore your ideas by asking yourself, How would the daily routines of my life change if there was not so much technology? or What if we could not multi-task? How much more time would we spend conducting our daily routines?

    I enjoyed watching your video and reading your post-Sandy :)

    ...and now I really want some cinnamon toast crunch

  3. JACARA!
    I really enjoyed your video, it looked as though you almost forgot you were on camera. I was able to capture your emotion through the look on your face. When you were talking to the man in the background you had the classic "ill pertend to listen but I would rather continue doing what I'm doing." that's why when he was asking you questions you said "what?" alot. It seems that once you are sucked in to the digital world it becomes the only thing you care about.

    I particularly liked the scene where you were reading a book but also had the distraction of the music playing from your ipod. That made me think more about the point that was brought up in Andy's class a few days ago. How good is reading for you? and why is it thought of as being any different from watching TV or playing a video game? when people enjoy a book it is any less distracting then TV, you still show the similar signs of being completely disembodied from anything else going on around you. People tend to use it as an excuse just to sound educated and "different" almost as if they do not follow the trend of being lazy and just sitting around in front of a screen.

    Overall really good job! it seemed very honest and realistic. You did your best to show how it is in real life. Do you think it would have been any different if you had completely forgot about that the camera was rolling? Just something to think about!

    good work:)
