Friday, September 11, 2009

HW- 1, 25 Questions

1.Name: Jacara G

2.Section: D3

3.Birthdate: 5/16/92

4.Neighborhood: Bronx

5.Favorite musicians: (Bands) Tegan and Sara, Sick of Sarah, Motion City Soundtrack, Cartel, .. Anything that’s alternative really

6.Favorite films: Imagine Me and You, RENT, What We Do Is Secret

7.Favorite books: A Wolf At the Table By Augusten Burrows, also every book by Ned Vizzini

8.3 students you already know and like in this section: Ian, Ali Jo, Russell

9.Main things you do when not at school: Read, Watch Tv, Download music (legally), Hang out with my friends

10. Average daily amount of time you use for TV-IMin-/websurfing/social networking (Facebook)/videogames (in hours) – please specify hours per day for each form: of electronic stimulation.

I don’t spend much time on Facebook I see my friends in person a lot, I don’t spend much time on AIM anymore either. I only really like one game on X-box and that’s Assassin’s Creed and I beat it already so I don’t play many games. I’d say maybe 5 hours a day on TV. Less than 2 hours a day on Facebook.

11.Guardians’ names and what they do for a living or an interesting hobby: Tonia J. Being my mother.

12.Favorite teachers from SOF and why:

Ms McGinnis, Ms Baker, Ms Chen

Ms McGinnis because she was always witty and sarcastic and she always worked with us when we needed help and she had a great sense of humor.

Ms Baker because she was the first math teacher that I liked and the first math teacher that actually taught with a purpose and some spunk.

Ms Chen because she was a hard ass.

13. The 3 main reasons, in order of importance, that you come to school:

1st: Exercise

2nd: Friends and possible learning depending on the teacher, class, mood I’m in

3rd: Society makes us if you want to "get somewhere in life"

14.List 1-3 talents you have (e.g. trombone)

I play guitar, not very well. I’m pretty good at remembering movies, music and actors for a number of movies

15.What’s one of the main questions you think about intellectually?

Why are we in school so long?

16.Your email address:

17.Your cell phone # (or home phone)


18.Your guardians’ phone numbers and email addresses: N/A

19. Are there very good reasons to avoid bothering your family unless necessary?

Only if necessary may you call.

20.What are your academic strengths?

Writing & Reading

21. What are your academic weaknesses?

Probably math

22. Why did you sign up for this course (or if you didn’t, why did you sign up for what you signed up for, and how upset are you)?

I signed up for it because I didn’t like the other options that were given for history courses.

23/24. What are a few interesting ideas you have about the digital/electronic environment of teenagers in NYC today?

What are a few interesting ideas you have about the tendency of people to make masks for themselves for daily life – do you think most people are masked even to themselves?

Yes I think most people don’t know who they are and probably never will. How can you ever really find yourself in a racist, prejudice, sexist, capitalist, homophobic society like this one. If you don't fit into the mold that people want you to fit in to then you get shuned.

25. What are a few interesting ideas you have about how school has shaped how you see the world?

I think school forces things down your throat just like this society.

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