Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hw 7 - You Talk, I Text

"People love to talk about themselves" this quote makes a difference to me when it comes to asking to people questions about anything. If you make question personal, the person that you are talking can almost be guaranteed to get an answer that is "deep" and or "thoughtful"

Conversation with my step dad

Why do you use the things that you use? Why do you need your iPhone?
-To keep in touch with you guys. Its necessary in order to communicate.

Don't you think that it is taking over our minds in a way brain washing the people who seem to depend on it?
-Absolutely, people will take anything that is made easier. More things for our society (technology) makes us lazier. (personally that means a revert in my eyes, you get lazier and you get dumber. You become dependant upon one thing in order to do your daily deeds)

If you believe this then why don't you prevent it?
-Because I have no control over it. People act as a society. (He said more, but I don't want to be here typing all night) ((His main point was that things get marketed and as a whole, we mush together to in a sense kind of devour these things, when it comes to 'upgrading' we are never alone))

Strangers, the pick of the liter

So while walking down the streets of New York City, I had to observe my prey and then go in for the kill.

Victim 1:
I found my first victim packing her car with plants. She seemed to be in a rush, but for the sake of the assignment my policy was, NO MERCY. I approached the woman and asked "excusemedoyouhaveamomenttotalkaboutdigitilzationinourlives?" she looked back at me wide-eyed "sure, but I'm in a rush so it has to be quick. I don't want a ticket" I looked down at my blank page and then back up at the woman who looked oddly jittery but calm at the same time. "Would you say that you spend alot of time using tech-tech" I didn't know where the stutter had come from "technology?" the woman shifted the plant she had been holding to her left arm, cradling it the same way one would a child. She looked up semi-thoughtfully and responded "I'm on the phone all the time" I quickly scribbled down what she said while asking "Do you think that's a bad thing?" She smiled and laughed to herself, my stomach grumbled, she responded "yes, but I can't stop. I tried but I can't" I scribbled down the words 'like a drug' smiled and said "thank you for your time"

Victim(s) 3:
My third victim(s) had to be my favorite, I caught them while they were exiting a restaurant and placing their ipones inside their inner top left pockets of their business suits. I clicked my pen and walked over asking "excusemedoyouhaveamomenttotalkaboutdigitilazitioninourlives?" They looked back at me and then down at my notebook which was only filled about 1/2way with the notes from the 2 previous victims. "What is this for?" businessman 1 (b1) asked inquisitively. I pointed towards Madison Square Park "I go to School of the Future on 23rd, its for a class assignment." B1 leaned back slightly in what appeared to be astonishment as if I had just offered the answer to a hard puzzle. "Well you gotta say that or else people won't know what you're talking about" I was taken aback "well I've done this several times before and I find that people seem to always be in a rush. So on instinct I skip introductions." Businessman 2 (b2) laughed and b1 joined in. I wanted to get to the questions, I was hungry. "So how much time would you say you spend on your ipones daily?" an immediate answer shot up, "all day" they said in unison as if it was timed. B2 cut in, "It's like you have to youcantgoaroundit..." his words were spilling out in excitement, he continued "youneeditforwork" I nodded writing his response slowly. I looked at b1, "do you think that this constant need for a screen is making us zombies?" B1 reached in to his top left inside pocket, it reminded me of how people look in movies when they are about to arm themselves. "its like the matrix..." he continued
now holding his weapon of choice "...everyone is connected" I looked down at my phone, 12:29. "Well thank you for you time" the words came out automatically. They smiled in return and wished me luck and I went to lunch.

My "best friend"

Well she thought that people as a whole use alot of digital things not just teenagers. People like to say "oh those darn kids" when adults use their ipones just as much as kids do. Focusing on other people what you hate to realize in yourself helps people to deal. She said that she would feel wrong saying that its a bad thing because everything depends on perception. How can you ever know what is truly good or what is truly bad? You can't. You can only look at statistics and charts and most likely you will be in conversation with people that agree with you or think like you on some level but what's good and bad differs depending on the person. I asked her if she thought that anything would change, i.e more phones and computers. She said that besides design and model numbers everything will be the same.

It feels like we are going somewhere but really we are stuck in a circle.

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