Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hw 4 - Comments, (Just In Case You Didn't Know Your Alphabet)

Ian: Wow, this was really good. From the beginning I like how you don't capitalize the "i's" I feel like it helps to add to your tone. This post has got your character all over it.

I noticed that you're getting at saying when we are being digital we don't really think, we are in a way, zombies. You went on to say that if we just sat down in a chair and did nothing we would be forced to notice the "natural things" I agree, do you think we do it because our minds need to be occupied? We've gotten so used to having our thumbs glued to something that we must reduce ourselves to thinking about our breathing.

That point reminds me about how I feel when its quiet. Its like you can hear everything, it makes me think that maybe quiet is better. But then again I feel like I do my best work with my headphones on (as they are right now).

I noticed that you said that through digital, things you talk to people all over the world. If this option wasn't possible would that bother you? If so then what would you do?

I notice that the option that most video games give now to talk to and challenge others who are online etc, but I never feel the urge to talk to these people. I just wanna play my game and get it over with. Bu the way you describe it makes it sound like it might be worth a try.

I loved reading this and I look forward to more blogs from you.

Francesca: I think its a great thing that during the whole post you kept on realizing new things and wondering how/if it would affect you.

I like that you are addressing what tis is doing to todays generation and how it started early back in the 90's when we were all small, that is interesting to think about. Its almost like we were taught to need digital things in order to function.

I rememebr wanting a gameboy so badly when I was young, I don't remember the grey one you mentioned but I remember when they made countless upgrades after that and I rememebr wanting each and everyone of them, even though they are all the same thing.

Do you think its a bad thing that you never really learned how to tell time manually? How would you fix that? Do you want to fix that? I think you should talk more about a change in habbits.

I feel that there are some people who are much more digital than others. I think its also laziness. Being digital makes everything so easy.

Sam R: I loved your honesty, it was amazing.

I like how you started off saying that you have digital rituals. Right from the start no bs getting to the nitty gritty. You're saying alot about how you're connected to the digital things that are in your life.

I connect alot to what you said about your ipod. I am the exact say way. I feel like I can put on a song and just tune out the world and many days my ipod is a much needed asset. In a way I think it make you smarter, why listen to mindless chatter on the train about last night Gossip Girl when you can plug in and tune out, analyze some lyrics.

I like the point you made about the digital things in your life taking you to a place of fiction and fantasy. Do you think that that is a good thing? Do you think that this could make most other teens "dumb"? Whats re the pros/cons?

I wonder how/when/or if we even realize when we have been taken over by the digital plastic in our lives. Is it good or bad? ... i'd like to know.

This was amazing, I enjoyed it all. The best post i've read all night.

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