Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hw 9- Old Habbits Die Hard, G-K

To Ian G

Thank you so much for your comments on my video, they were so nice. You said alot of things that I didn't even consider.

When you mentioned that I was multitasking through alot of my video that helped me. I didn't really consider that that was what I was doing.

Your comment actually helped me to think about the things that we do but we never really notice. I think that an act like that would help to bring out the "natural" feeling in our videos.

I like how you mention the point of "self defeating" I think that it goes great with the term "double edge sword". Its like how could this possibly be natural if what Im doing is planned?

How can we seem or become as natural as possible without seeming fake? I think its a hard question because its assuming that we are already real...

If you get an aswer please let me know.

To Francesca T:

Thanks for watching my video, your comment made me think deeper in to the meaning of what it means to be digital and disembodied.

When you mentioned the scene where my dad was talking and I looked like I didn't care, that helped me alot to notice the little subconcious things that people do and don't notice them until they are pointed out.

I had thought that my video was personally not very good and I felt uncomfortable. But your comment and POV is from a different angle and that makes me think that when we view ourselves we feel fake in a way but when others see us, it seems real to them. Do you think it helps to be able to see ourselves?

Do you think that we should see ourselves on a regular basis?

I liked your comment it made me think more. Thanks for taking the time out to do it.

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