Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hw - 58 More On Parents.... Yay! (Not Really)...

I think it shows how unique we all are, the way we are raised says something about who we will become. What I think is interesting is that when we need our parents the most we are children and we are completely dependant on what they give us and provide us. But most likely we don't remember the years, months and days that we are most dependant.

When Rob came in and explained the story of how he came to know and love his daughter the entire class felt the sympathy and the compassion that Rob felt. But does it matter if when Rob's daughter grows up she wont remember how she got there or all of the diapers that were bought and changed? How do we know what parenting does to us, how do we know that parenting matters?

I didn't interview my mother or father. I remember fragments and broken thoughts on my childhood. I think we don't know how selfish our parents are or were until we are older. Many parents have children and then find themselves 'falling out of love' and separating because they feel that the relationship isn't working for them. But what about their child or children?

What does that say about parenting? How are we supposed to separate the actual lessons from parenting and the mistakes that our parents make when they are 'teaching us'. What happens when you don't agree with what they are teaching you?

I was taught to believe that age held the power. That just because you are older than me that earns you my automatic respect and obedience. I...don't believe that, as cliche as it sounds I say equality for all. Respect is earned. I think that is where alot of my 'adult' problems come from. I have no problem telling an adult that I think they are wrong, silly, idiotic or anything else on the spectrum of 'disrespect'.

But when it comes to parents, I think we remember two things, the things that we agree with & the things that we don't agree with. And from then on out we just take what we get and roll with the punches. I know that I always end up thinking about myself and not so much about what my mother thinks. For this I get scolded and I get told that I'm being disrespectful and blah blah blah.

The irony of parenting is that no one really knows how to do it. Its isn't something that can be taught like math. Parenting has many different styles and no one can really be sure which is right and which is wrong. It has become a very opioniated subject that happens to be seen and looked at so many ways.

Can a parent fail? Do they fail when you don't want to listen to them? This subject actually upsets me. I don't care much for parental topics at this time.

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