Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hw 57 - "The Future Freaks Me Out"- By: MCS

Parenting? Uh..

When I think of that word, my initial thought is that 'I'm not a parent, so how should I know?' But we all are exposed to parenting for at least 18 years of our life. I feel as though there are always times when we wish our parents ...wouldn't be so 'parental'.

Something my mom always says is 'when you have kids you'll understand' does that mean that when you become a parent your brain automatically downloads all the things that you need to know in order to be a parent? There are so many things that confuse me about parenting that I become annoyed just by saying the word.

Now when it comes to little kids parents and adults seem to prefer them over teens and young adults. I think its because babies are most obedient and silent. Babies don't have a say in what is happening around them. So I think parents want a child or children that will listen to questions asked.

Of course a teenager will want what we have cleverly named 'a cool parent' this is the type of parent that as cliche as it sounds understands the simple yet complicated mind of a teenager. Speaking from my own experience, I think that the older you get the more and more 'un cool' your parents become.

Why do parents think we can't wait to leave so badly?

I remember a quote from the book The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, "parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them, a mother's approval, a father's nod- are covered by moments of their own accomplishments" Is it just a natural instinct to want to get the hell out of dodge?

Bottom line everything comes down to parenting, its what we grow up with it can be the difference between alot. Parents splitting up and never talking to each other has a large effect on the kids that they are both supposed to be raising. It makes it hard to call a place home when it feels like hell.

Parenting backfire = rebel. end of story, "No mom I will not do that for you, but thank you for asking"

"We all become our parents" because when all else fails that is the teaching that you know.
"When you get older something happens, your heart dies"
"Who cares?"
"I care"
"Man are we gonna be like our parents?"
"Not me"
"Its unavoidable"

How scary is that.

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