Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hw - 58 More On Parents.... Yay! (Not Really)...

I think it shows how unique we all are, the way we are raised says something about who we will become. What I think is interesting is that when we need our parents the most we are children and we are completely dependant on what they give us and provide us. But most likely we don't remember the years, months and days that we are most dependant.

When Rob came in and explained the story of how he came to know and love his daughter the entire class felt the sympathy and the compassion that Rob felt. But does it matter if when Rob's daughter grows up she wont remember how she got there or all of the diapers that were bought and changed? How do we know what parenting does to us, how do we know that parenting matters?

I didn't interview my mother or father. I remember fragments and broken thoughts on my childhood. I think we don't know how selfish our parents are or were until we are older. Many parents have children and then find themselves 'falling out of love' and separating because they feel that the relationship isn't working for them. But what about their child or children?

What does that say about parenting? How are we supposed to separate the actual lessons from parenting and the mistakes that our parents make when they are 'teaching us'. What happens when you don't agree with what they are teaching you?

I was taught to believe that age held the power. That just because you are older than me that earns you my automatic respect and obedience. I...don't believe that, as cliche as it sounds I say equality for all. Respect is earned. I think that is where alot of my 'adult' problems come from. I have no problem telling an adult that I think they are wrong, silly, idiotic or anything else on the spectrum of 'disrespect'.

But when it comes to parents, I think we remember two things, the things that we agree with & the things that we don't agree with. And from then on out we just take what we get and roll with the punches. I know that I always end up thinking about myself and not so much about what my mother thinks. For this I get scolded and I get told that I'm being disrespectful and blah blah blah.

The irony of parenting is that no one really knows how to do it. Its isn't something that can be taught like math. Parenting has many different styles and no one can really be sure which is right and which is wrong. It has become a very opioniated subject that happens to be seen and looked at so many ways.

Can a parent fail? Do they fail when you don't want to listen to them? This subject actually upsets me. I don't care much for parental topics at this time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hw 57 - "The Future Freaks Me Out"- By: MCS

Parenting? Uh..

When I think of that word, my initial thought is that 'I'm not a parent, so how should I know?' But we all are exposed to parenting for at least 18 years of our life. I feel as though there are always times when we wish our parents ...wouldn't be so 'parental'.

Something my mom always says is 'when you have kids you'll understand' does that mean that when you become a parent your brain automatically downloads all the things that you need to know in order to be a parent? There are so many things that confuse me about parenting that I become annoyed just by saying the word.

Now when it comes to little kids parents and adults seem to prefer them over teens and young adults. I think its because babies are most obedient and silent. Babies don't have a say in what is happening around them. So I think parents want a child or children that will listen to questions asked.

Of course a teenager will want what we have cleverly named 'a cool parent' this is the type of parent that as cliche as it sounds understands the simple yet complicated mind of a teenager. Speaking from my own experience, I think that the older you get the more and more 'un cool' your parents become.

Why do parents think we can't wait to leave so badly?

I remember a quote from the book The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, "parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them, a mother's approval, a father's nod- are covered by moments of their own accomplishments" Is it just a natural instinct to want to get the hell out of dodge?

Bottom line everything comes down to parenting, its what we grow up with it can be the difference between alot. Parents splitting up and never talking to each other has a large effect on the kids that they are both supposed to be raising. It makes it hard to call a place home when it feels like hell.

Parenting backfire = rebel. end of story, "No mom I will not do that for you, but thank you for asking"

"We all become our parents" because when all else fails that is the teaching that you know.
"When you get older something happens, your heart dies"
"Who cares?"
"I care"
"Man are we gonna be like our parents?"
"Not me"
"Its unavoidable"

How scary is that.

Hw 56 - I Forgot To Add

We are all aware of the whole 'I control my life' thing that we were taught in 2nd grade. In some ways I do believe that you have some kind of control over your life. You control your actions and blah blah blah. Got it. But there is more than just you in the world.

There are always going to be other people in your life that push you towards things that you may or may not like. That's just the way that it is. I tend to think that the people in you're life are more important in your life than you are. I don't mean that impressing them is what is important.

I think that the small act of them being in your life makes yours that much greater. Life is a spectator sport, what's it become when there is no on to watch?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hw: 56 - Interviews!!

Question 1: What are the roles that people play in your life?
Question 2: Who plays the most important role in your life? Why?
Question 3: Do you think that the people who play these roles enjoy their part?
Question 4: Are their understudies to the main parts?


1: Close friends and family, they can be mentors I look to for advice
2: I play the most important role in my life because IN THE END I make all the decisions for myself.
3: I enjoy my part. I hold the key to my destiny.
4: My siblings and Kayla because they are the ones who push me to go further


1: Alot, that's a hard question there is always the role that they want and then thereis the role that they actually get.

2: What do you mean by most important? We need farmers, Ali jo is really nice to me. Viacom keeps my bother away from me.

3: If they successfully play the role then hopefully they enjoy the role but its not always true. My brother tries to play the brother role but he's an asshole

4: Thinking about my dad, he didn't have a dad so I think hes doing a good job, my mom and Ali jo's mom are very different. my mom is short and mean. there are already roles that they are playing


1: My mom and my girlfriend and my brother. I dunno they're all family

2: I think all of them play important roles in my life

3: I would hope that they enjoy their part

4: No. Because they are all unique and no one can replace them,.

Hw 55 - Just How Far Can We Go? (Edit)

New revised question:

How do we define and separate the different relationships in our lives?

There are 'guidelines' that the people who play roles in our lives follow. There are certain lines and and scripts that just don't mix. But why?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hw 55 - Just How Far Can We Go? (Draft)

What are the barriers of relationships?

We can all seperate our relationships in to many different catergories we know that mom is mom and dad is dad, that friend is friend and that girlfriend is girlfriend. But how come these things don't mix. (Sometimes they do...) But excluding those cases, how do we define those barriers.

How come there are songs like this that are considered sexy. I think that 'friends with benefits' is the most common term of mixing one relationship with the other. Jumping from a platonic relationship to one more physical but less emotional.

MLA format coming and more research

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hw 54- Personal Test...?

ENFP: "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama.

Part 1: I didn't know what the word uncanny meant, so I looked it up. Uncanny according to trendy dictionary app, means beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary. I think that a lot of us are a little extraordinary as cliche as that sounds to some extent it is true. I like to write but I can't really see myself being a journalist, but the idea of writing is a cool one.

As for the personality test, I have taken something like this before and have gotten something completely different. So it makes me wonder how accurate these things are. Are they actually analyzing your answers or are they just randomly putting groups of letters together. Because I bet that a lot of people can see themselves writing in the near future.

Part 2: I don't think that alot of teenagers are that concerned with the things that have to do with their future in the long term. Sure we don't mind being told things about ourselves but the percentage of kids that actually give a damn about what is going to happen 20 years down the road must be a small one. I looked a few of my peers and one of them stood out.

One of the students said that the personality test was a waste of time and that it didn't really tell them anything about themselves. Well where did the results come from then? Do the test mean to day that 'this is what you can look forward to?' or 'this is what you will become?' How much can a computer tell you about yourself, so you answer a few questions with answers that have very little variety.

I guess that just sums up Americans even more. We always like things fast and quick paste. If only we could jump to the future.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hw 53 - Compare!

When doing anything personal, there is always a 50/50 split between the crowd of people taking the survey. Some of us jump at the chance to answer questions about ourselves. But then there are the people who shy away from sharing the personal information about us. I would say that I'm in the middle of the spectrum. Though I did not take the survey I had the same feeling of wanting to answer questions about me. But at the same time I had no desire to share my information.

When the results were given out in class, I found that it was interesting to see how many people said that most people like them. We all know about the social imbalance of high school and cliques. It actually didn't bother me to not take the survey, I have had my fair share of surveys to take and this one didn't make it or break it for me.

What I found most interesting was the fact that so many people think that others like them. What occured to me after I put so much thought in to the results was 'how many of them were being honest?' I think that alot of us probably go through a survey in the same manner. We look through 50% of the boring questions and then when we get to the 'interesting' part we buck up and turn to honesty.

I think that comparing things such as surveys, helps us to see things more clesrly and deeper. I think that looking at different things and cross comparing things is a way to kind of 'read between the lines' it makes things so much more interesting
than they were before.

What I think is very interesting about teen surveys is the amount of times any sexual questions come up. I think it says alot about what people see in teens. I think that many adults would agree that most teens only think about sex and are very well versed in anything sexual. To some extent that is right, but they can't really know unless they hand out surveys, but who says we are being honest?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hw 52 - Lights, Camera, Action

While in the womb we were being downloaded with all the conversational skills that we will ever need. We know just what to say when the time comes and we always have different versions of the same script, just in case plan a doesn't work out.

Take something like meeting someone who could be a potential friend, We have the exact script for that, but as the relationship changes so does the script that we need in order to deal with the situation at hand. Given there are things that might call for an improv act but usually we have got it all under control.

No matter what we will always need people around, we like people; maybe not all the time but most of the time we don't want to be alone. What's the point of a script if it just sits on the nightstand all day? Out purpose is to be social, we want people to see us for who we are so that they in turn like us and continue to want to be around us.

Sometimes we will meet a writer or director that we don't like and don't want to be around. But no matter how much we actually dislike someone else's script we always find ourselves around them because we need to feed of their attention. As shallow or pathetic as that sounds, its true we are like little attention whores (sorry for the harsh term).

Why is that? What makes attention so important? It kinda connects to being single. In movies and media single people seems to like being single because that can mess around with dozens of people without being tied down. So it seems like they could care less about attention, but at the same time they need a different person to adore them every night.

Same goes for relationships and friendships, we gotta get our attention fix anyway that we can no matter the cause. We need to get an agent, get an audition and hopefully get to play a part in someones movie.