Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hw- 26 I'm Ready For My Close Up (try 3)

Me: So, do you think that being cool matters?

Sandy: I think it does but it shoudnt, everyone is pretty judgemental and it seems as though we all want to impress others. Like everything is a competition and if we want status/recogition to make progression (in social life or in a career path), it matters how you are viewed by others

Me: Why do you think it matters what others think?

Sandy: For your own self confidence or progression like it matters what colleges think of you because it determines where you're going next year and i think it matters what your friends think of you so you know that your relationship with your friends is mutual

Me: Who do you think makes the standards for cool and uncool

Sandy: I think the media.

Me: Do you think that "being cool" matters to anyone?

Gavin: Yes. Everyone, really

Me: And why is that?

Gavin: Because everyone wants to be liked, to be wanted, to have proff that they matter to someone, anyone.

Me: Who, in your opinion makes the standards for being cool?

Gavin: i set myself as my own standard I find myself cool, and like to associate with people similar or contrarily, people who give me new perspective

Me: and lastly, what does "cool" or "being cool" mean to you?

Gavin: well, and i know this sounds cliche, but being yourself or rather actively trying to know yourself and understanding the point of yourself, why to be it.

Me: In your opinion, who sets the standards for being cool?

Amanda: Umm.... i guess i would say each individual person sets their own standards
i don't think there's one specific standard of 'cool', everyone has their own idea of what it is, so it can't really be measured up to one thing or one person

Me: Does "being cool" matter to anyone? does it seem like "being cool" makes you eager to impress others?

Amanda: What do you mean, eager to impress others?

Me: Like "im going to wear this today because i want someone to notice"

Amanda: So you mean, does it seem like people try to be 'cool' to get other people's attention?

Me: Yeah. that. sorry i can't word properly

Amanda: Ok well yes i think that's true but it's interesting, because some people are so desperate to look/act cool and attractive and put so much work into this persona, but at the same time, everyone seems to think that 'cool' implies effortlessness

Me: Why, does being cool seem to matter so much?

Amanda: I guess because people are social creatures and want to be accepted by others. 'cool' is your idea of what is desirable, and we try to live up to it in an attempt to be liked. even if someone's idea of 'cool' is to go against the grain, they're still trying to be rebellious to catch the attention of a certain type of person.and to present themselves a certain way.

Me: Do you think that what we think of as cool, comes from what someone else thinks is cool?

Amanda: Ok...i guess i think we can't help but be influenced by other people in some way. sometimes people pretend to also like the things that family, friends, celebrities, etc. think are cool, or even if they actually like something, like it just because someone else does. but i think sometimes when we think that something a friend or whoever likes is cool, we would have also thought it was cool had we discovered it on our own.

Me: You say that we all have our own view of what is cool. if that is the case does that mean that everyone is cool?

Amanda: I guess so! even if you don't meet your own qualifications for 'coolness,' you probably meet somebody else's somewhere!

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