Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hw- 29 Its Cool That You're Cool

There is no way in hell that advertising will be banned. Everything seems to run on money, and I don't think that anything is going to come between corporate and their money making machines: teens. I believe it boils down to will-power. If you are smart enough to see through the tricks that media pulls then whoop de do.

By the time you're 17-20 you should be smart enough to know what you like and what you don't like. By that age I think the argument of "media is spoiling my brain". Because by then you have the ability to turn the page in the magazine or to change the channel.

But when you're marketing a Dora with sex appeal...that kind of marketing may be something that should be banned and if that's too drastic then maybe the marketing should be tuned down a little bit.

Marketing is about making money first and if anything making more money second and lastly maybe caring about who they are corrupting and how...(maybe). Marketing sex is all about making money. "All teenagers talk about is sex" As a teenager, I can say that I don't spend my days and nights talking about sex.

But for those other teenagers, its possible that all they talk about is sex because that's all that's ever on TV.

just a guess.

I would guess that a great number of people, (meaning not just teens) get their identities from something on TV, or in a book, or from a movie or a song or another person. No matter what everything is advertising, its you seeing something and liking it or disliking it. I feel like there is no way to rebel against it. We all end up buying something that was made by some kind of corporation.

It ranges from food to clothes to cars to bikes to TV's etc. We can try to rebel by buying cheaper things or "natural" things or placing tape over logos. But still you can't escape it. Its up to us to decide what we do after we see a commercial or read an ad or comment a blog post.

Now enjoy this brief message from our sponsors.

1 comment:

  1. You're very funny Jacara XD With the "Now enjoy this brief message from our sponsors." As well as the "placing tape over logos" we don't know anyone that does that! Not.. That new sexy Dora is a little over the top, of course. I haven't looked at the other links yet but I bet they're equally interesting. I agree with you that at this age we can make our own decisions, we aren't weak.. we know what we like and don't like etc. And, the whatever we do, marketing will still be around us. Keep up the good work on your blog, I love reading what you have to say.
