Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hw - 30 Spongebob Move Over

Whence this emptiness?

How can one person say that someone else is empty? What if we are all empty, how can you know if you're empty? What if being empty makes us whole? Other peoples thoughts on emptiness..

Granted we all want something and we all in our own ways want to get something out of living. I feel as though our emptiness can come from something we want or something we once had but was taken from us. Robert Frost once wrote: "So was I once myself a swinger of birches. And so I dream of going back to be" This makes me think of how Frost may have felt whole in a way by being childish and swing on trees, feeling natural. But something pulled him from it and he dreams of being the way he was, whole.

I find myself wondering what does it mean to be empty. I tend to believe that we are the only ones who can tell if we are empty. I think that it is us who know ourselves. Do we even have to fill the holes? I would say that nowadays we have been taught to think we need useless things in order to feel safe or whole or cool.

Cool, might forever be a mystery to me. There are hundreds of ways to be cool and then on the flip side there is one way to be cool. I think that cool is one of the ways that we try to feel complete.

I think that we have many holes, as opposed to having one huge hole. Its like we are sponges. We absorb bits of other peoples; personality's and styles and language choices to fill our holes. Other people make us up but no one wants to admit that.
No one wants everyone else to know that they are a sponge.

We hide behind the illusions of what's cool and whats 'in' that way everyone likes us and people notice us so that we feel important.

That's the rule.

Here's the exception.

The people who don't care about cool are the coolest. Though it might be hard to believe I think there are people like that out there, I've met a few. There are people who aren't obsessed with how they look or sound. But that doesn't mean that these people aren't empty.

Its just that they have bigger holes to fill. These people are much larger sponges.

Where the feeling of emptiness comes from is an even bigger thing topic to tackle. Its like life chips away at us and in the end we are left with holes of all different sizes. But leaving the empty spaces empty is what makes us who we are. When we try and fill theme we become posers, we loose ourselves.

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