Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw 25- Nice Stories People! + The Pattern of Boxes

To Sandy:

Werd! What happened? I really like it though. From this I could tell that your character is a nice person and she doesn't like to burden others with her problem(s).

By your ending I could kind of tell that she is hesitant to believe that good things can happen to her, and when they do she questions them.

This was really nice, I liked how you got the character down in about a paragraph.

To Yazmin P (12):

Hello, this was nice. Basically a list of awesome qualities that would be nice to possess. I liked that you basically gave your definition of cool and what it means to be cool.

Do you think that all those qualities can actually mix? What does society say about a mixing of those qualities?

All in all this was interesting.

To Esther:

Hey, I agree with Sandy this reminds me of you alot. I like how the character says goodbye to both of his parents and that the conflict was getting to school on time. This was really nice.

To Gavin:

I really liked your story. It reminds me alot of you. I don't know if this is related to something that actually happened but you made it easy for me to visualize this scene. But I must say it isn't cool to smoke.

To Mo:

Hey Mo, I really liked your story. It sounds like the attitude that alot of kinds have today. Its realistic and I can see the character being in a real highschool.

Part 2

I feel like in general there are only a very small amount of "cool" stories that one can write. There story would have to be generally stereotypical and very straightforward in a way. The trends were: perfect cool, class clown cool, popular cool, beautiful cool, timid cool, mysterious cool, sarcastic cool, down to earth cool. Basically the stories were really cookie cut. Its kind of cool to see which types of cool that people chose to write about. I think in a way it reflects them or at least who they want to become.

Why is it that the way we see "cool" in a way reflects us? Or how come we only see cool inside little boxes? Its as if it becomes a little awkward to see the popular jock in to the nerdy girl who sits at home with grandma on the weekends. But even something that doesn't mix generally has been done before. So if someone says "I'm unique because I'm the cool girl who likes the bookworm" I'm sure that someone has made that statement before. We can't really escape the boxes, we can't even make new ones. The only thing that does exist is hand-me downs.

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