Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw 23 - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

Cool [kool] - [kewl] Adjective, derived from the ancient idiots.

1. Marsha seemed cool as she deeply inhaled her blunt.
2. John thought to himself how cool he looked with Marsha holding his hand.
3. John didn't think it was cool that Marsha's breath smelt of smoke.
4. Becky felt cool as she stood atop the pyramid of identical dressed girls.

You see where I'm going with this. Cool makes its own definition, why should we even care? When I think about what cool means I think of society's version of what it means. I think of the head cheerleader and the captain of the football team. Cool is one of those stereotypical words, meaning it already has a well known picture to go with it.

When I think of cool in that way I think that everyone wants to desperately be seen, to be known. All we want is some attention. Now the ways in which we seek it may differ but in the end we all want to be seen. We want to be cool in our own ways, and we know it. Just admitting it makes it a teensie bit difficult.

What I don't get, is why we care about being cool. How come it isn't enough to just be seen by the people that actually mean something to us? Why can't we be happy? Why is there always a need for more? How come the people that see "cool" as something that is insignificant get talked about and ridiculed?

I believe that if I made a list of the coolest people I know, it would be my friends, family, then maybe one or two "celebs". I could list the "well known" people in school but how the hell does that make them cool? No one knows, and if they say they do then they really mean that they don't. I've only met a handful of cool people in my life and I know that meeting people like that isn't an easy task. So if your "cool list" is overflowing something is wrong.

The different types of cool, wow.

1. Cutting school
2. Class clown
3. Bookworm
4. Music fiend
5. Movie fiend
6. Drug fiend
7. MVP
8. Sex fiend
9. Food fiend
10. Ethnicity fiend

That's all that I care to list right now. Yes, I used the word 'fiend' alot. Its because I think that most people see cool = popularity, so most people become popular by excelling at one thing more than other people, thus being a fiend in one subject or another. People think that person is cool because they can't do whatever the cool person is excelling at.

I think that in different cliques, there are different cool people. But that would mean that everyone is cool... Is that true?

Its like being cool only proves how well you can please others, and nothing more.

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