Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hw 21- Who Says Music Cant Be Art?

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I was unsure about what kind of “art” project to do. This idea might seem a little weird but it’s worth a shot.

I picked 7 songs that I liked and I thought about the parts of the songs that had lyrics that could be interpreted to connect to "being digital"

I've figured that alot of people have a compulsive "I NEED MY DIGITAL" syndrome. And in turn have forged a type of dependant relationship on them. I've provided lyrics for the songs I've chosen (at least the most important lyrics). And I'll explain what they mean to me in the "digital sense".

Song 1. Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning) By Kaiser Chiefs
For full lyrics:

"I won't be the one to disappoint you anymore...
The trick is getting you to think that all this was your idea.
And that this was everything you've ever wanted out of here"

When I think of those lines and how dependant we are on our digital things and vice-versa it makes alot of sense. I'd like to believe that our digital toys don't want to let us down, and we depend on our phones, ipods and TV's to work for us all the time. What we don't realize is that these products are designed to keep our interest and our attention. Our products trick us in to thinking that we need them to have a life and to have fun.

Song 2. In One Ear By Cage The Elephant
For full lyrics:

" So it goes in one ear and right out the other
People talking s**t but you know I never bother"

This song kind of makes me think about Feed. The lead singer is talking about being a kid, and having people look down on him because he is young. He says people basically keep talking but it doesn't bother him. I would imagine that the people talking about him are adults who look down on his style of lyrics or clothes etc. It makes me think of Titus and the attitude that he took with most of the book, "in one ear and out the other".

Song 3. You And I By Anarbor
For full lyrics:

"We're always stuck in repeat day by day
Watching time drift away as we burn away"

I feel like that's a great line for alot of teens today. No matter what new things come out and what new shiny things are invented we are always and forever moving in a circle. I think we live very routine lives, we may try and mix it up every now and then but in reality we aren't really doing anything new.

Song 4. Consoulers Of The Lonely
For full lyrics:

"Haven't seen the sun in weeks
My skin is getting pale
Haven't got a mind left to speak
And I'm skinny as a rail.....

Conversations getting dull
There's a constant buzzing in my ears
Sense of humor's void and numb
And I'm bored to tears"

These lyrics are very interesting. The singer is admitting that he lives his life on the inside. Which when it comes to digital matters alot of us do retreat in to our bubbles, forgetting to think, blink and as he says eat. When he says "conversations getting dull" that reminds me of Feed too. Because there weren't any conversations in the book that were about anything important or meaningful except for when violet was around.

Song 5. Blue Light By Bloc Party
For full lyrics:

"If that's way it is
Then that's the way it is"

This like makes me think of the truth about how things are with teens today. We are addicted to our gadgets. Its like no one can change the way that we think and the way that teens today operate. There have been books, new reports and articles on how the teens today are being lost to the screens. But as you can see nothing is really happening.

Song 6. Maintain Consciousness
For full lyrics:

"Our concentration it contains a deadly flaw
our conversations change from words to blah, blah blah"

This song is pretty simple and pretty straight forward. He's singing about how he and he his friends can't concentrate on anything. he goes on to say that since he was 17 he's been living in routine, that nothing has changed except the fact that he can't pay attention.

Song 7. Make Out Kinds By Motion City Soundtrack
For full lyrics:

"Hooray for the madness, we are better by design"

I think this line is very fitting. Some would call this digital overflow and our constant dependency on screens madness. This line reminds me of praising the chaos. "We are better by design" makes me think of how alot of teens would fight the people who are against them, by saying that they are "more advanced"


1. I think that this is more like a mirror because it reflects the "truth". I feel like a hammer is more threating and to me I think a piece of art that connects to a hammer would have to wake people up. I don't think that these songs are going to wake anyone up I think that they will just reflect what people see in themselves already.

2. These songs make me feel okay. I don't really see a problem in the way that I use the digital things in my life. I don't really want to make an impact on anyone's digital life right now. I really love music and I try to get out of it what I can. These songs don't wake me up, they just help me to understand and to agree.

3. The most interesting thing about this project was actually finding the right songs that I could use. It was harder than I thought it would be. I think the hardest thing was finding the right lyrics and the right site to use. It was interesting to actually look up the lyrics to these songs, since I rarely have to look up lyrics to songs.

1 comment:

  1. Jacara- I thought this was a really creative idea and I liked how you did it. I thought it was interesting how most of the lyrics talk about how we just live our lives "going through the motions" we don't really question anything, "If that's way it is Then that's the way it is," we accept how our lives our that's just the way it is and we don't really want to do anything about it because what is easy is to follow what we are told, "we are better by design." because we don't really have to think for ourselves.
    I'd like to see it when it is finished. :]-Sandy
