Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hw 41- Color Me Stupid *Edited*

Now that we are actually looking at school on a 'closer' level we seem to be questioning everything that we hear or see. It looks like we all dread school, more often that not you'll walk down the halls and hear someone complaining that we don't have nap time anymore and that the math that we are learning is pointless. Recently it has become clear that it is easier to find reasons to dislike school rather than to embrace and enjoy.

When you ask people "Hey, why do we need school?" you can expect the cliche answer of "So that we can get into college and get good jobs" Why is that the one answer that everyone seems to know? Was this something that we have been taught? How come it's so easy to remember the lunch menu but no one can recite the quadratic equations? We say that we need school to get smarter and blah blah blah but it looks like we just dumb ourselves down.

I think its because we dread growing up. For so long we have had everything drilled into our heads, constitutions, chemical bonding, geography, geometry, has become this routine that we are generally fond with and the thought of actually having to get off your arse is a scary one. If you think about it there is an undertone of 'grow the f*** up' in school, its just that some of us have become too wound up in the lovely-ness of immaturity.

It seems that the older we get the more babied we have become, we are more and more dependant on our teachers to do and say basically everything for us so that we don't have to think. Where has our motivation gone?

"Tips on how to keep your child motivated." Mama's Health. 2009. Mama'sHealth, Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

Mama's suggests that there are things that can be done so that your child continues to be motivated for school. Simple things like being interested in whatever is going on at school or simply helping your child to develop better studying habits.

Johnson, David. "Color Psychology." Infoplease. 2007. Infoplease, Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

Info Please. com explains how certain colors help to evoke certain moods. It makes me think of how drastically your mood can changes when in school just by walking into a different room when in school.

(most of the sources I used were pretty similar to those listed above)

How everything ties in: Our entire 13+ years in school have done nothing but help to baby us into thinking that everything gets handed to us, therefor this causes us to loose our motivation about school because everything has been made so easy and accessible that we go limp. Not to mention the large setting changes that affect us on a daily basis that constantly throws us into to mood swings.

This could all be connected to how our concentration is lost over time because we have been filtered to believe by our peers that playing our role in school and saving face is more important that actually paying attention in class. School has become a pathetic popularity contest which causes our list of priorities to become screwed up.


Who knew? tthis site provides pointers on how to mainteain and manage the immaturity that surrounds your life. The site puts a good spin on it basically saying that having a bit of immaturity in your life can actually be a good thing. It doesn't really connect it to school but it does give some kind of insight.

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