Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hw - 39 Re-do

Interesting Questions
1. Why is there a power structure in school?
2. Why are we defined by our numbers?
3. Why do we all have the same 'school dreams'?

Fascinating Questions
1. Why do teachers wear the badge of 'I've done this already, I don't need this'?
2. Why is there so little time in between classes?
3. Why is it bad to cut class?

Powerful Questions
1. Why is there so much homework?
2. Why do teachers like to be nosy?
3. Why can't we call our teachers by by their first names?

1. School is like a 'legal prison'
2. This idea of school has been passed down for so long we no longer question it
3 The only reason people like school is to show-off
4. School is just another way to meet people and prove yourself
5. School is like a stage, where the teachers are our directors

Part B. Why do teachers have all of the power?/ Why do teachers wear the badge of "I've already done this, I don't need this"?

To begin with us 'kids' have been brought us to believe that adults need to be respected by all those uh...below them. I find that this statement can be true sometimes but not when you want to be equal. Like those teachers who say 'don't call me by my first name' Why not..? We all have first names, why are we being reduced to calling you by your last name? Are you ashamed of your first name? I think that this gives teachers the rush of being in charge, of being the authority figure. But they don't want to admit this. They say its a term of respect. Why can't we share the power? I'd like to see some of the students prepare a lesson plan or two. Instead of teachers wasting their time teaching us how to count the amount of atoms in Au.

As well as the very unfair chain of power, teachers feel as though when students feel the need to have a tiny bit of free time the teachers often gets uptight and yells something like 'one mic' or 'we are wasting your time' or '...I don't need this' or 'the homework is going to be on this material' right... No matter what happens in the 55 minutes the teacher doesn't lose any pennies from their paycheck.

Does that mean that teachers really care about their jobs?


They have to be in control the entire period, so when the attention isn't on them...that becomes a problem.

What's also weird is how teachers take forever to grade things, but they are constantly giving out more and more work to students; which results in a longer period of ungraded work. But God 'fahbid' we ask what our grade is... all hell breaks loose. 'True Story'.

Why do teachers think that we need this?

I'm sure that if you ask a teacher "Why do you do what you do?" or "Why is it important for us to learn what you're teaching us?" or "When are we going to use this math?" We will most likely get some generic answers about how this material is a part of the core curriculum and that we must learn this to graduate in order to get in to a good college blah blah blah. Or something like "I'll address that after school, for now get back to work please"

I don't think that we will ever get the answers that we want to any of the questions that we have about school. We all have the image of getting a 'good job' and going to a good college and for so long that image, that idea was all that we needed for the motivation for school. I mean for some reason we think that its such a bad thing to cut class or school. We fear and dread being late or absent and having to catch up on days of homework. We can't evade that call home. We drag ourselves here every morning but we don't really know why. We just know that we have to or else. School has become a place where a large question mark hovers over and we have lost the energy to wonder why we come here and why we invite ourselves to the sold out show we call our lives.

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