Monday, January 18, 2010

Hw - 35 My Hot Draft of My Cool Paper


The movies, the books, the shows, the songs and mostly people have shown us that "cool" is a chase. We are all running, jogging, skipping (you know who you are), walking and rolling towards this glowing mixture of a silver and gold platter of coolness. What we don't accept is that WE WILL NEVER (yeah I mean NEVER) REACH IT. Dress it up how you like, change the angle of the picture as you see fit but its never how we want it to be. Cool is a state of mind, we dress it up & design our own definitions as we see fit.

Leading You On:

There is the image of the "cool" guy that we all have in our heads. You know the universal 'All American Bad Ass' He's got the big Harley and wears that leather jacket year round. We have been tricked to think that this guy is cool. Who made him cool? Why do all the girls mindlessly flutter in his direction? Its because he fits the image of what cool is.

If its sooooooo easy why aren't we all cool?

Dunno. The image of what "cool" is seems to change faster than people can spontaneously change to fit the next image. Its a matter of anticipating the next move of the opponent. Which might be harder. If you know what "cool" is you can make yourself into what its defined as. We depend on we depend on the image of cool. If you fit the definition of the word you become the word. Ta-da! We used to be forced to think that there was only one way to be cool. Now.. not so much. Cool is mostly what you make it out to be. Go be a Rebel With A Cause.

Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice:

Creating a new definition to cool is not an easy task. Most of us see cool as how much we get noticed by our followe...I mean friends. When you're making your new mixture you've got to think about what people already concieve as cool and put your own twist to it. This usually never works, because when people "add their own twists" it just ends up being a bulls*** ripoff of the original. Like

Girl that doesn't give a s*** ---> Girl that doesn't give a s*** but goes to SGI

I mean we can't all be original. But we get so caught up in the scene of "look at me" we don't realize that we are just making carbon copies of ourselves. Once people realize that cool is all in your head we might actually get somewhere. What's really cool is how many cool definitions there are and how many people fit the guidelines of that.

What's weird is how every kind of cool is judged. Who the hell gave anyone the right to judge cool? What gives us our basis of cool? Babies are cool. They don't give a s***. We should all just not give a s***. It sounds all glorious, but even that makes us all the same.


As teens its in the contract to be...teens. To buy up everything we see and to say that "I Is The Way I Are". Teenagers are often blamed as the pioneers of cool. Are we? Sure you might see the uh 'occasional' guy with his pants low enough to see his boxers. But its not his fault that other guys catch on to it and call it their own. How can you be sure that you aren't forging someones signature when you button up your plaid shirt in the morning? or when you decide to tip your baseball cap to the right?

Is it too much to ask who are we really? Does changing my color ink make me fake?


- Solution
- Quotes


- Quotes!!

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