Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hw 46- Its Really Really Easy

So, I wanted to get the idea across that we are... taken care of. We like tips and instructions just as well as a shortcut. Examples are appriciated and if we can get the teacher to throw in some sort of cheat sheet we'll take that too. There are hundreds of books out there in costume. Chicken Noodle Soup for the teen soul, is a series of books that help teens, preteens and children to deal with friends, enimies and the other obstacles that surround the domain that we call school. Chicken Noodle Soup (CNS), branches out from middle scho to high school etc.

CNS, comes with chapters and chapters of stories and examples of what to do in certian situations that happen all throughout teen and preteen schooling. Some of the books come with annotated stories. Some with comments from the author and some with q an a's. The books are laid out so easily for the reader. The author nails down every last detail to the T. Of course each book comes with the cliche subtext ' being a teen is a challange'. Each book is cleverly labeled and laid out is catogories: friends, love, tough stuff, living lessons, etc.

These books are just an extention of how we are spoon fed everything. We never really learn how to do things for ourselves, we are taught things and we don't move on from there. We are then given books that baby us even more than teachers do. The books and examples go as far as giving exact situations that happen in school. Almost as if we don't even have to handle the things that happen to us because someone has written down a simple set of instructions that simply walk us through and tell us everything that we need to know in order to 'get through it'.

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