Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hw-44 You're Gonna Go Far Kid

We are officially at a point where we mostly wonder why we are stuck in school to begin with. By this time we can't really point out why we need school. We as students can say all the things that bother us about school and the people that are assiociated with it. Why is it so much easier to say "homework is pointless" before saying "I'm lucky my school has a GSA" I think it has become a social norm to hate school. It's something that is not to be questioned.

How did we get here?

School is hyped up to a point where if you have never been you antisipate the greatest thing ever. And as it so happens school is the greatest thing ever but something happens in between getting bullied or failing a class where your motivation seems to be on an eternal downfall. In Obama's speach he says that you have to believe in yourself and never give up. If you give up you not only give up on yourself but you give up on your country. Wow... really?

School is the place where the most judgement happens. Either you're too skinny or too smart or too fat or too dumb or ugly blah blah blah. In a place like that how can you be motivated to always believe in yourself? As previously discussed school is a place where the eternal contest of cool is being held. 'if you can't stand the heat get outta the kitchen' is the high school anthem.

Socially there is so much going on that even the slightest thing can manipulate the direction of your mood. Thus it becomes easier to shatehat we hate about school before listing what we love. Everyone loses sight of what school is for. But then again have we ever really had a clear understanding of what school is there for?

We have the cliche definition of why we need school but how can we know if what we have been told and taught holds truth? No matter what there is always a way to disprove what has been drilled into the various spaces in our heads.

I wonder what the alternative is for when we don't believe in ourselves? What happens then? Does the country stop to check up on us? Do we stand united? Not at all. I believe it's because all our lives we have stood alone. School pushes the 'every man for himself' clause on us and that is what sticks with us. We fight till the death in an endless cool battle, or we end up trying to prove our worth academically and even if you're in the 'i don't give a damn' crowd there are even people competing for who doesn't care the most.

School is a game but the players never win. But hey believe in yourself champ.

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